I am currently catsitting for a friend who has two beautiful cats. However, while I am watching over the kitties, the friend’s mother came into the house and complained of the odour. The thing she did not realize was that the house always smelled this way she just wasn’t use to it.
Fearing that the owner would have a similar problem when she returned, having been away for so long, I sought out a fabric refreshner/odor eliminator. Noting that the leading brand was out of stock, my eyes rested on ANOTEC Odour Neutralizer. It was on for a reasonable price but I was skeptical, having tried one of their other products to mixed results.
I took it to the house and sprayed all the fabric. I was expecting something a little tart, but it was a gentle scent.
After much usage, the house is smelling great. You can see and play with the kitties without having to smell any so-called offensive odours. The mother has also not complained, apparently she smells the difference as well.