A SPECIALIST odour firm has been enlisted to solve a sewage dilemma.
The local council has been asked to use its expertise to clear the smell caused by the sewage works, which has been described as ‘sickening’.
A manager of the nearby Shell petrol station said the smell had caused disruptions for her and the staff.
She said: “It can get quite sickening during the summer months. I feel sorry for the staff, because it’s something they can do without. And it’s a really bad lingering smell, which will come through our vents long after it starts to clear outside. I just hope they can do something about it.”
The smell has caused concern since the treatment plant opened in 1998 and is hoping anotec can help solve the problem.
He said: “They keep resolving it, but it’s one technical hitch after another. The system being used there now is not what was originally proposed.”
Another resident said: “It is not a major problem, as it was initially. At times, it was that bad you could smell it here. But I’ve been in a lot of meetings with them, and I appreciate that they are trying to get things right.”
Representatives from anotec, specialists in dust and odour management, were recently invited to solve the issue.
A spokesman said “We have had complaints javascript:void(0)about the smell in the past, but we’re hopeful that Anotec may be able to point out the right direction and help us find a solution.”