Friday, December 23, 2022

Using enzymes to fight hydrocarbon contamination in soils and tanks - Anozyme is the answer!

Anotec has also been innovating new ways to create clean-up more efficient particularly on-site to ensure processing is easier but as well to help manage and reduce the environmental impact of the surrounding areas and community. Through this Anotec has developed a product range that are Enzymed-based which is called 'Anozyme'. Particularly in the use of hydrocarbon contamination in soils, tanks and water.

Enzymes can be used to break down hydrocarbons in contaminated soil, petrol tanks, and wastewater. Hydrocarbons are a type of organic compound that are made up of hydrogen and carbon atoms. They are found in fossil fuels, such as petrol and diesel, and can be harmful to the environment when released into the soil or water.

One way to use enzymes to break down hydrocarbons is by adding them to the contaminated soil or water. The enzymes can then break down the hydrocarbons into smaller, less harmful molecules. This process is known as bioremediation.

Enzymes can also be used to break down hydrocarbons in petrol tanks. In this case, the enzymes are typically added to the tank along with a cleaning solution.

Anotec typically provides an Anozyme concentrate which is sometimes accompanied with a cleaning-surfactant. All of this is then diluted heavily in water.

As enzymes work by breaking down the hydrocarbons into smaller, less harmful molecules, which can then be more easily removed from the tank.

If you are looking for more information feel free in reaching out by contacting Anotec directly at or visiting our website #enzyme #hydrocarbons #remediation

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